jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

Outline exercISE
Topic: the importance of technology in society
I.              Humanity created electronic things which changed our life.
II.            Electronic dispositive are for
A.      To entertain us
B.      To do work
1.       Possess a lot of pages to look up information
2.       Can certificate validations from other countries in just one click
3.       Easiest way to communicate with co-workers.
III.           Electronic dispositive are varied
A.      Mobile phone
1.       Call everywhere and everyone
2.       Had mp3 player
3.       Can take pictures with quality
4.       Internet and WIFI access.
B.      Computer
1.       Helps to work
2.       Also to do studying
3.       Allows to make projects or designs with their applications
C.      Notebooks
1.       Reduces the consume of paper
2.       More variety to find genres
3.       Enough memory to save a large number of pdf’s
IV.           Can also be bad
A.      Some electronic products can cause serial harm
1.       Codependence
2.       Distortion of real life
3.       Sleep disturbance
B.      Some doesn’t last a long time
1.       Difficult to repost if is an antique version
2.       The batteries quality is cheap
3.       You can lost all your information if you don’t previously save it in other dispositive
V.            Is important to use this electronic devices wisely to a proper consume, because the purpose of technology is to improve our life’s and don’t make them worse.

viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

English ownership
Therefore, is totally common in the language to adapt itself. Vocabulary and expressions constantly change with pass of the decades and even though the majority of the population add expressions and false friends to their tongue, an old sector prefers to stick with their ‘correct’ form of talk. English is a lingua franca but had always take variations of the archaic French and what in the actual time is Norwegian, also Latin words as ‘exit’. So, is clear that English language contains a large number of linguistic loans and their use is valuable for everyone, even when the person is not native. In conclusion, English belongs to everyone who wants to use it.

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Funnel lead introduction
Topic: School timetables
Being a child is a tough thing. You always have to be on point. On point with the grades, to the tired team work, to not be mad with the physical education teacher because you can’t run faster… is hard. The most difficult part of being in school is that you have to wake up soon, what a nightmare! You must take the exactly time to eat your toast, brush your hair with your favourite spray or gel and the most important fact, don’t miss the bus! All of those things have to be done at time before you enter in school. So, because of it, is necessary to have a timetable, in special; a school timetable. Without it, we will be completely lost in our weekly routine of classes.