sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

The pollution is a major harmful that supposes the complete destruction of the atmosphere. With this problem we not only put our health at risk, but the whole environment and carry the conflict to future generations. What can we do to improve it? Some solutions are the use of electrical vehicles instead of the ones which works with petroleum, the creation of a law to ensure controls in the factories on the release of toxic gases, protect the rivers and lakes of this contamination from the fabrics because is considerably quickly to caused bigger diseases and, for example, controlling the land to know if is stable and is possible to work on it. .

We are not fully aware that old cars emit a large amount of gases. As the time progresses, the cars should be presenting another range of models and thanks to the technology, some came out afloat. Today we can distinguish certain public transports that work with natural gas. Other cars carry solar panels and store a battery with which it is possible to travel at night so, it is not limited to just use by day. It has come to consider the use of water to start the engine, as the first steam locomotive, you could reuse used or dirty water to fill the tank. Now, to be possible the use of these vehicles, it is necessary that the prices of these are available to all because they are still using gasoline prototypes to be the cheapest.

Years ago a group of world powers agreed to establish a protocol with which to protect the atmosphere and biodiversity, this was called the Kyoto Protocol and is still valid today. Recently the United States has decided to leave because it alleges that with the protocol they are losing large amounts of money in the industries. However, despite the willingness to want a better environment, more severe measures have to be taken. For this, global laws must be implemented and those who fail to comply will be fined with the closure of their factories. Taking strict measures will ensure that each company or factory comply with the law.

Shall I compare
you to...?
Shall I compare you to a love song?

When you walk, a melody starts

Is similar to the touch of a piano key

When you laugh, my heart beats fast

Is the chorus that sounds inside my head

When you say my name

Tender guitar strings embrace me with the power of your lips

When you take my hand

The sighs fly as the melancholy of the line increases

When you declare your feelings to me

Is inevitable, the climax of the last chords arrived

And then, I’m whole again.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Do schools kill
children's creativity?
To a certain group of people, schools are seem as a jail. At least to various generations. My mother didn’t like school at her time because she thought that her teachers didn’t leave her been creative with the exercises purposed on the board. ‘You have to reply in this format. There is not variation’ it was a catchphrase she used to repeat me when she told me about her education past. My cousin, who is two years younger than me, thinks the same. Actually she is studying Arts but her decision wasn’t serious to her tutor ‘How are you going to survive with that career? You are going to starve yourself!’ So this hasn’t occur just one time, it depends.

Has this changed with the pass of the decades? Well, my answer is yes. From my point of view I see an improvement, not only in the classroom equipment but also in the content of the subjects. Even though there are numerous teachers and education programs, I think that school contributes to our development. We need to be stimulate. Students mustn't be sitting at the classroom and just copy the explanation or listen many times to the same cd of the workbook. But this doesn’t mean that the main problem are the teachers, absolutely no. Sometimes schools can’t have the proper material and sources to make classes more entertainment and is a big problem, in special to those which strong areas (as music or paint) are teacher in few hours.

As a result, is usual to believe of school taking the starring role of a ‘bully’ to our creativity but my case wasn’t like that. I have plenty of teachers who had helped to expand my mind and they let me risk and answer questions which normally people refuse to reply because they were afraid of being wrong. The fear of being wrong is a bad habit. Yes, your reply may be wrong but at least you are going to have a feedback and then you will stop of doing it. Is completely normal.

In conclusion, we need to encourage schools to don’t limit their students and provide them with a fair agreement. Is in our hands to make schools the place where the stars born.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

makes me feel...
The first time I saw Guernica was in primary school. At the age of six years old, you don’t quite understand the darkness of this paint. Is almost devil. But I was sure about a thing, I feel terrified, extremely terrified. But my fear couldn't be compared to the original one that inspired the painting. The combination of those grief figures made my heart stopped for a minute. I couldn’t take my eyes of it.

There is a contrast between the light and the dark. Somehow, I feel a bit relieved because the hope is the last thing we can lost and after study Guernica in college, I still thinking for solutions apart from send our dearest friends and family to the battles and enter in a non-stop war. For example, we appreciate the feeling if we see closely the broken gun of the corpse warrior. A daisy is blooming in the rust and represents the rise of a new hope, a future where guns are not necessary and we live peacefully. No more harm for anyone else, isn't that what we have to fight for?

To me this painting reveals mercy. This can be relate by the proof of the mother crying while she is holding the death body of her son in her arms. Is like a parallelism between the Virgin Mary and Jesus, therefore there are tons of love and affection illustrated in the action and they reach to me. The love of a mother is indescribable and beats everything, even death.

The mix of emotions and representations expressed in the paint, creates to me a variety of sensations. In fact, I feel sad and also a strange and little pinch of affection for those who died unfairly.

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

What I have
lived for?
What is passion? Is a powerful emotion to us, humans. There are considerable types of passion: love, anger, violence… but, in the end, which one is the most important? In my humble opinion, I think that passion must envolve things that we adore and make us feel good with ourselves. I do have passions, even when some of them are impossible to me to do.

One of them is ballet. Although I try to learn when I was little, I couldn’t make it to the top. Anyways, ballet stills being one of my favourite things in the world and something truly important to me. Ballet is a mix between mental and physical strength. A hardful career, not everyone can do an arabesque o perfom the tragic role of Odette in Swan Lake. Is so pitiful the fact that my friends doesn’t like ballet as much they love football, because I don’t want to dismiss the sport but ballet is unrecgonized and their movements are harder than hit a ball. To me ballet is a door to a dreamteam, it helps me to escape in a short period of time and introduce myself to the tale.

Other of my passions is writing. I have been creating stories since I was six years old. Most of them were about a magic world introducing faeries and trolls as main characters, I had plenty of imagination back then. As I grew up, I continued to write but my style improved and I changed the plots. Currently I write about our generation, basing my stories in real life and how a diminutive thing can change your world suddenly, upsidedown, as we know as the butterfly effect.

And finally, the last one of my passions could be considered being an activist or like people say, altruistic. I tend to associate myself to campaings in favor of global improvement and healthcare. I own a chill and self conscience nature, I can’t be happy while I’m remembering that others are suffering in the other side of the world. To me is important to apport not only money but a hope to those who are passing a hard time. I participated in a therapy group call in Alacant two years ago and I felt very completed with myself. Simple calls and questions like: “how are you doing?” or “how do you feel today?” can make much more that you may thought.

In conclusion, those passions are what maintains me alive and motivate me everyday when I wake up.