miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Do schools kill
children's creativity?
To a certain group of people, schools are seem as a jail. At least to various generations. My mother didn’t like school at her time because she thought that her teachers didn’t leave her been creative with the exercises purposed on the board. ‘You have to reply in this format. There is not variation’ it was a catchphrase she used to repeat me when she told me about her education past. My cousin, who is two years younger than me, thinks the same. Actually she is studying Arts but her decision wasn’t serious to her tutor ‘How are you going to survive with that career? You are going to starve yourself!’ So this hasn’t occur just one time, it depends.

Has this changed with the pass of the decades? Well, my answer is yes. From my point of view I see an improvement, not only in the classroom equipment but also in the content of the subjects. Even though there are numerous teachers and education programs, I think that school contributes to our development. We need to be stimulate. Students mustn't be sitting at the classroom and just copy the explanation or listen many times to the same cd of the workbook. But this doesn’t mean that the main problem are the teachers, absolutely no. Sometimes schools can’t have the proper material and sources to make classes more entertainment and is a big problem, in special to those which strong areas (as music or paint) are teacher in few hours.

As a result, is usual to believe of school taking the starring role of a ‘bully’ to our creativity but my case wasn’t like that. I have plenty of teachers who had helped to expand my mind and they let me risk and answer questions which normally people refuse to reply because they were afraid of being wrong. The fear of being wrong is a bad habit. Yes, your reply may be wrong but at least you are going to have a feedback and then you will stop of doing it. Is completely normal.

In conclusion, we need to encourage schools to don’t limit their students and provide them with a fair agreement. Is in our hands to make schools the place where the stars born.

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